How to fix error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported

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  1. NODE VERSION: Using Node version 17 and above,

  2. Docker: Building with docker pulls the latest version of node.js by default {Node: LTS}.

The problem here is Node.js 17's push to use OpenSSL 3, changing the code required for the initialization context of the MD family.


  1. Downgrade Node.js
  • You can use nvm (Node Version Manager) for your Os and run nvm install 16.15.1 nvm use 16.15.1

  • While for docker you can directly supply the version of Node.js to use. use Node:16.15.1

  1. Enable Legacy Support Get passed the error by enabling support for legacy OpenSSL versions.
  • Update ENV Variable export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider Using your terminal Run this on macOS, Linux, or Windows Git Bash.

  • Updating the package.json file "start": "react-scripts start" Update to: "start": "react-scripts --openssl-legacy-provider start"